
What is Functional Wellness?

Functional Wellness is the restoration of well-being by addressing symptoms and health challenges at the root cause.

My Approach

I am a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. I work with clients who are ready to take the steps towards improving their diet and lifestyle to achieve optimal health and overall wellness.

What does this look like?

I can meet with clients in person throughout the greater Philadelphia area, or virtually. I will ask you questions to get to know you, your wellness goals, health history, and what challenge(s) may need to be addressed. From there, we identify areas of opportunity to begin the healing process and I will make recommendations. This can include simple steps to feeling better immediately, to the integration of specialized resources from my wellness network to take the best next steps.

If you have felt that you just don’t know where to start…. this is it. Schedule a 15 minute free introductory session and begin to pave the path to feeling great!