Ashley Chard Dinella

Founder & President, B.S., FDN-P, CWEF


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Up until 2nd grade, I was a lot like most Americans, eating a standard American diet, being a kid, assuming I was as healthy as I should be... until I wasn’t.  During nearly a year of being mysteriously ill, I had been to countless doctors appointments, tested for everything, put on various medications, but with no relief. My parents and I spent lots of time, energy and money getting no answers. As a last ditch effort, we turned to alternative medicine.  Two weeks after seeing Dr. Caskey, a Chiropractor and Applied Kinesiologist who specialized in nutrition, I felt better for the first time in a really long time. What exactly was this and why didn’t we know enough to make him our first stop? Change what I eat? It seemed so simple, but not one of the other doctors I saw suggested it. Little did I know this would be the start of a lifelong learning experience and a passion for helping others.

The 20+ years following this experience have allowed me the time to experiment, listen to my body, make good health decisions and bad ones, learn from them, and get the proper education to understand the consequences of our food and overall lifestyle choices. 

It became evident to me that our overall quality of life, including mental acuity, ability to deal with stress, immunity, fitness level, mood, attitude, and happiness were not segmented pieces to be treated and cared for independently – but all interconnected and woven though every aspect of our lives. 

My mission is to make the world a better place by improving the overall well-being of the people. I am convinced that when each of us is feeling good mentally, physically, and emotionally we are more likely reflect the best versions of ourselves to the world. When we can function optimally and to our potential, we are less likely to compromise ourselves or our values, enabling us to be better parents, business people, husbands, wives, leaders, and friends.

I believe in true health care – caring for and supporting an individual’s overall health.  If you are looking for answers, even if you are not sure of the questions, or know it's time for an upgrade for your employees, your business, or your own life, give me a call, send me an email or leave your information below - this is the first step to upgrading your life.